I'm trying to create a Mac Catalyst version of my iPad app. I checked the "Mac" checkbox (under Device in General section), I selected the "My Mac" scheme, I ran... and then, xcode show me code signing errors!
When I checked the checkbox, the Signing & Capabilties tab added a new macOS platform entry, and a bundle identifier: maccatalyst.com.mycompany.myapp. That maccatalyst.com bundle ID isn't dispalyed in my Certifiicates, Identifiers & Profiles section of the Apple developer site. When I try to add it manually, by adding an App ID, choosing Mac and specifying the explicit bundle ID, I get the following error: An App ID with Identifier 'maccatalyst.com.mycompany.myname' is not available. Please enter a different string.
As suggested here, I also tried to: 1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. 2. Select Profiles 2. Select iOS app that you are trying to catalyze from. 3. Enable "Mac". 4. Wait for hours.
How I have to proceed?