Can't create a Mac version of iPad App: Xcode couldn't find any Mac Catalyst App Development provisioning profiles matching '…'

I'm trying to create a Mac Catalyst version of my iPad app. I checked the "Mac" checkbox (under Device in General section), I selected the "My Mac" scheme, I ran... and then, xcode show me code signing errors!

When I checked the checkbox, the Signing & Capabilties tab added a new macOS platform entry, and a bundle identifier: That bundle ID isn't dispalyed in my Certifiicates, Identifiers & Profiles section of the Apple developer site. When I try to add it manually, by adding an App ID, choosing Mac and specifying the explicit bundle ID, I get the following error: An App ID with Identifier '' is not available. Please enter a different string.

As suggested here, I also tried to: 1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles. 2. Select Profiles 2. Select iOS app that you are trying to catalyze from. 3. Enable "Mac". 4. Wait for hours.

How I have to proceed?

Did you find a solution? I´ve the same problem, although i already went succefully through this in the past.

We ended up signing everything manually following these steps:

1. Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.

2. Select Identifiers

3. Select iOS app that you are trying to catalyze from.

4. Enable "Mac" and Save.

5. Go to Devices

6. Check if your Mac is added or add it

7. Go to Profiles

8. Create a "iOS App Development" provisioning profile using the previous App ID.

9. Create a "macOS App Development" provisioning profile using the previous App ID

10. Open XCode and select the target to catalyze

11. Enable Mac in General Tab

12. Go to Signin & Capabilities

13. Uncheck "Automatically manage signing"

14. Select iOS App Development Provisioning Profile under iOS platform

15. Select macOS App Development Provisioning Profile under macOS platform

16. Build and run

This worked for us!

Can't create a Mac version of iPad App: Xcode couldn't find any Mac Catalyst App Development provisioning profiles matching '…'