`unsupported_grant_type ` when exchanging authorization code obtained from `ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential` on the server-side

Hey, I'm getting {\“error\“:\“unsupported_grant_type\“}” and I've checked everything millions of times and everything is correct. I'm getting credentials.authorizationCode and passing it to server - which makes a request: [{"iss"=>"teamId", "iat"=>1566222397, "exp"=>1581774397, "aud"=>"https://appleid.apple.com", "sub"=>"com.example.MyApp"}, {"typ"=>"JWT", "alg"=>"ES256", "kid"=>"keyId"}] iss, sub and kid container real values of course.


Everything looks just as the example above and I'm keep getting an error. Any ideas?


We're having the same issue. Did you manage to fix it or make any progress with it?



`unsupported_grant_type ` when exchanging authorization code obtained from `ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential` on the server-side