I looked further, using advice form h ttps://medium.com/@Bitomule/getting-text-size-on-ios-bdae7521822f
The following gives the required height.
Compare with the screenSize, and you'll find how much exceeds.
Up to you after this to repeat the computation to find where best to cut text.
let attributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.font:self]
let attString = NSAttributedString(string: veryLongLabel.text!, attributes: attributes)
let framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attString)
let width = Double(veryLongLabel!.bounds.width)
let x = CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints(framesetter, CFRange(location: 0,length: 0), nil, CGSize(width: width, height: 10000), nil)
print(x, veryLongLabel.bounds)
isn't it possible to do it like the App "Books" from Apple
Yes, but I'm not sure they use labels.
I did not have time to test this, but that may be the direction to look at.