Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.
From South Africa.

Tried everything in the forums but nothing working.

I haven't tried using a US credit card (since I'm not from the US) and I haven't tried a direct wire transfer because support won't let me do that
Dear Apple, if you have time to update your forums then how about updating your payment systems to fix them?
I have the same problem here in Sri Lanka, It's more than 1 month that I'm trying with different cards and Apple ID's but all of them canceled by Apple. Everything is fine from the Bank end as I followed up with them several times.
Apple Support team ignore me. I just took screenshot of all the previous orders from the same card to buy apps from Appstore and they even didn't respond to the emails.
Is there any working solution?
I have the same problem. Every time I replace an order I got 'We have been unable to obtain a payment for your apple developer'. so far 5 attempts I sent to the support they asked all my previoys successful payments. I sent them but no use since March I am trying but in vain. I am from Saudi Arabia.
I also have the same problem. I tried at least three times and don't have additional purchases associated with my apple ID (I just recently got my hands on an IPhone) and I don't want to spend additional money in things I will not use because their system is broken. I am from Chile btw.
Same issue here in Lebanon, tried more than 10 credit cards , different accounts , different Banks and we are stuck!

Same issue in South Africa. tried multiple accounts, credit cards. Been 3 months now
the same issue here, i am from jordan, i have tried 3 accounts with 4 different cards and the last one with American express and it didn't work?
how can we solve this, its 3 months now and we cannot create a developer account ??
If things work out for you then please let us know which type of card worked for you and what was the reason for other cards not working or any information that you think would be helpful ?
Thank you.
I made a purchase and received an acknowledgement email more than 4 days ago but my account status is still showing "Pending". First time I made an attempt my purchase was similarly responded to by an acknowledgement email, but 2 days later it was cancelled. I contacted Apple support and they told me that they couldn't find my payment order.
Now they are no longer replying my emails.
I'm in South Africa.
I tried calling them today. I can buy on iTunes and App store but not the developer account.
Each time they heard my issue, then said they are going to transfer me to someone else then the call ended.
3 times, 30 minutes each time...

I'll try call them again tomorrow but I'm not hopeful. The one consultant said he was aware of the issue.

Also from South Africa
I'm have the same problem and apparently Apple responds in the same way in every country.
I used 02 different cards that are working on international purchases perfectly fine, but unfortunately with Apple something is going wrong.

I live in Brazil. The poor quality in Apple's support area is impressive, but I'll keep trying. If anyone get the answer, please help.
Facing the same Problem

Me from India, Trying to enroll for a developer Program for past 1 month with different credit cards but no luck. I am facing the same issue and tried contact apple support, they are simply redirecting to contact Financial institution.

Could somebody help us on this.
Needed for urgent basis.
I have the same problem. I tried with 3 different cards so far. All orders got canceled on the next day. I used 2 of the 3 cards in the appstore without any issues. And also use them for apple pay on a daily basis. The support trying to convince me that the problem is with my bank, but I am pretty sure that the problem is from their end. I don't know how are the things in the US with the online payments, but in Europe you have to provide CVV along with the card number. It looks that someone forgot to put a field for the CVV in the form. I guess they use a different payment processor from that in appstore, because CVV is required there.
Count me in :( 2 cards (visa and MasterCard) - 0 effect. I feel like I waisted several months of my life for nothing.
I'm having the same problem.

I have been trying to pay for almost a month now. Visa, Mastercard, virtual and physical cards. None of them work here but they all work on other Apple services.

Support replies to contact my bank when it's clearly a problem from their end. I'm in Brazil.
same issue here
tried 4 cards, all failed
Same issue, from Brazil too, i have tried with Visa, Mastercard, 6 cards no luck. Apple only says "Is a bank problem" or "I cannot help you". Waiting an American Express card to try again.
I think we need to confirm the info we provide to the Bank and our enrollment info, maybe Apple check that automatically if they can get our info (address, name, phone) via our card.

Can I use a credit card other than my own to complete my purchase?
The payment information you provide must match exactly with your enrollment information. If this information does not match, your enrollment will be delayed and you may be asked to provide a copy of a government issued identification.

Quote from the solution offered by "the app" user:

"First Solution:

Place order form Apple Developer app.

Use a new apple device which is not trusted device of any other apple developer account.

Signin with your apple developer id, Add payment mehtod and 1st buy an app. So your credit card will be verified.

Now download apple developer app and signin with apple developer id (in some countries apple developer app do not support direct transaction) so they will provide your weblink inside app.

If your country do not support direct transaction from apple developer app, click on weblink and complete transaction from mobile.

Thats' it. I have renewed 1 developer account and purchased 3 new developer account using this method."

Short answer: brand new iPhone SE, new iCloud account, new bank card, new telephone number, installed Apple Developer app on iPhone, bought an app from Apple Store (payment was OK), bought Apple Enrollment program (the app wasn't supporting payment inside the app for Romania so I was redirected on the payment page where I made the purchase) - after one day -> transaction canceled!

So, it doesn't work for me. :(

I have the same issue, tried to pay with different credit card, different Apple IDs. Tried to pay via Safari (Cleared cache), Also tried to pay with my iPhone but no success!
Contacting apple support is waist of time! Only they respond with the same fix template and then ignoring to follow up my issue.
I'm wondering how is it possible that Apple doesn't follow up and fix this issue?
same issue here
tried many cards, all failed
Saudi Arabia.

Hi. I'm from South Africa and I'm having the same problem. The Apple payment site doesn't require a CVV number from Mastercard and VISA my credit card. Has anyone managed to get sorted?
same issue

Something really weird is going on.
I'm located in Indonesia and have tried 3 US card, 1 German based, and about 8 Indonesian card. All failed.

The weirdest thing is some of these cards have successfully enrolled my friend in single try. Creating new account doesn't do anything—it's still automatically canceled.

What makes me furious is some developer from my country can enroll with their CC and immediately confirmed in 3 minutes after submission is processed.

I don't know what to do anymore. I have applied 32 times for the past 80 days.

This is so stupid.
Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program