Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program

Hey guys

I’ve been trying to pay for Apple Developer Program enrollment for about a week and still no luck. As well as I got from a small talk with the customer support – Apple never got my money. So it seems like my payment authorization fails all the time. But I don’t know what’s really going on.

Have any of you ever had issues like that?

Or maybe you just know what’s going on and how to fix it?

Answered by Apple Developer Support in 626670022
We do accept Russian credit cards to pay for the Apple Developer Program. If you've been unable to complete your order, please reach out to Apple Developer Program Support for assistance. Please note that you may be asked to provide verification details as part of the order completion process. We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience.
I'm having the same problem.

I have been trying to pay for almost a month now. Visa, Mastercard, virtual and physical cards. None of them work here but they all work on other Apple services.

Support replies to contact my bank when it's clearly a problem from their end. I'm in Brazil.
same issue here
tried 4 cards, all failed
Same issue, from Brazil too, i have tried with Visa, Mastercard, 6 cards no luck. Apple only says "Is a bank problem" or "I cannot help you". Waiting an American Express card to try again.
I think we need to confirm the info we provide to the Bank and our enrollment info, maybe Apple check that automatically if they can get our info (address, name, phone) via our card.

Can I use a credit card other than my own to complete my purchase?
The payment information you provide must match exactly with your enrollment information. If this information does not match, your enrollment will be delayed and you may be asked to provide a copy of a government issued identification.

Quote from the solution offered by "the app" user:

"First Solution:

Place order form Apple Developer app.

Use a new apple device which is not trusted device of any other apple developer account.

Signin with your apple developer id, Add payment mehtod and 1st buy an app. So your credit card will be verified.

Now download apple developer app and signin with apple developer id (in some countries apple developer app do not support direct transaction) so they will provide your weblink inside app.

If your country do not support direct transaction from apple developer app, click on weblink and complete transaction from mobile.

Thats' it. I have renewed 1 developer account and purchased 3 new developer account using this method."

Short answer: brand new iPhone SE, new iCloud account, new bank card, new telephone number, installed Apple Developer app on iPhone, bought an app from Apple Store (payment was OK), bought Apple Enrollment program (the app wasn't supporting payment inside the app for Romania so I was redirected on the payment page where I made the purchase) - after one day -> transaction canceled!

So, it doesn't work for me. :(

I have the same issue, tried to pay with different credit card, different Apple IDs. Tried to pay via Safari (Cleared cache), Also tried to pay with my iPhone but no success!
Contacting apple support is waist of time! Only they respond with the same fix template and then ignoring to follow up my issue.
I'm wondering how is it possible that Apple doesn't follow up and fix this issue?
same issue here
tried many cards, all failed
Saudi Arabia.

Hi. I'm from South Africa and I'm having the same problem. The Apple payment site doesn't require a CVV number from Mastercard and VISA my credit card. Has anyone managed to get sorted?
same issue

Something really weird is going on.
I'm located in Indonesia and have tried 3 US card, 1 German based, and about 8 Indonesian card. All failed.

The weirdest thing is some of these cards have successfully enrolled my friend in single try. Creating new account doesn't do anything—it's still automatically canceled.

What makes me furious is some developer from my country can enroll with their CC and immediately confirmed in 3 minutes after submission is processed.

I don't know what to do anymore. I have applied 32 times for the past 80 days.

This is so stupid.
I am from India, I have tried with 3 different India cards and 1 US card. Nothing worked. Only answer from Apple support is "Check with your bank" and "Try different payment option". No one is ready to accept that the issue is with Apple.

Please let me know if any one is able to resolve this.
Having the same issue. U.S. resident. U.S. credit cards. U.S. banks. Firstly, the card I routinely use in the Apple store got denied. Tried a second card where the payment went through, only to have an email sent days later saying that I cancelled the order (which I definitely did not). That card now also doesn't work. I'm on my third attempt with a third different card. What the heck Apple!?!? Instead of streamlining payment, they're spending resources not allowing words like "ginger" to be in our forum name. (blondes & brunettes are fine apparently) This is cancel culture run amuck.
please, make support of this issue better, than it's now
or maybe simplify payout, like on ALL other platforms/shops?
this isn't ok situation in 2020 :(
Any luck with the payment? I have been trying this for the past 2 months..
Does anybody have a phone number for them that still works? I tried 800-633-2152 number and it said they were closed for the day, since then there is a new message saying "Please be advised that our support options have changed" and then it directs you to the web support page (screams into pillow!). Nobody is replying to my queries there anymore. I've gone so far as to hunt some of their people down on LinkedIn, only one replied and said I need to follow official procedures ...back to square one. It's like my hands are chopped off and there is just no way to get support.

@philipyoungg you say a friend has gotten it right with "some of these cards", do you mean the same bank and account type, or the exact same actual cards (i.e. same card numbers) you tried? It might be worth checking with them how they have the card info stored in their Apple ID account EXACTLY i.e. the name on the card etc. and then comparing that to how they filled that in on the web order ...maybe there's some magic there we're all missing.

I'm also confused how they don't ask for the CVV number. I'm thinking of trying to remove the security confirmation step on my card (that brings up a secure OTP step on web purchases), maybe that's blocking it.

Everybody please post success stories, even if they're not yours, maybe we can figure this out together. I'm also in South Africa, so the Apple Developer App approach won't work for me either. 1 new rented Mac Mini in the cloud, 2 App Store Apps and 2 iTunes songs later ...no Developer Account. 2 clients waiting.
Having issues authorizing payment for Apple Developer Program