HELP ME! Potential Loss of keychain Access ???

Hello everyone! I have a problem that I don't know how to solve I would like to publish the update of my JumpyMoon app but I have recently changed user Dev, now I find myself with a different "application-identifier" number and I can't publish on Appstore for a WARNING.

The previous version was the new version instead is and so don't let me proceed.

How can I correct this error?

I need easy-to-understand help because I am at first experience.

Thanks so much



How was the app transferred between accounts/devs?

The bundleID stays with the dev unless a store transfer process is involved. If you simply handed it off from one dev to another, the second dev can't re-use the bundleID.

You should use the store process (conditions apply) if you want to keep the bundleID, or change the bundleID and treat it as a new app from the second dev.
