how to publish 2 internal apps


I've a big problem with two apps.

1) I've an app that is used only for internal purpose of my client. This app is used only from him and his employees. I'd like to skip Testflight fro every build that I send to them.

Now: I knew that there was a "special" development program for this, maybe the Enterprise.

Is that right or not? Is there any solution/program for them?

How I can see details for this?

2) The same client, would like an app that opens his website; now, I know that this kind of app (in my opinion is useless.... )will be rejected from Apple Store.

Can I make it downloadable? Like a pdf.

Is this possible?



Apple does not provide for distribution schemes other than testing, store and enterprise.

1.) Yes, the client would need their own Enterprise Developer Program account to distribute apps to employees

2.) The client's app, again via Enterprise, can open a website if that's what they store review involved, but it too would only be for employees.

If all they want is to open a website, tho, and/or distributed to the general public, they don't need an app - they only need a way to share the link to the website, such as email, OR code, social media, etc.

As for making a PDF of an app, you might have better luck doing a video, instead, or just do an ebook/ibook, which can be converted to PDF w/the right skills/tools.