Uploading .ipa using transporter stuck

Hi, I'm trying to upload .ipa to app store connect using the new apple transporter, but it stuck on 'VERIFYING APP - Authenticating with the App Store ...' (it loads forever)

Before this, I always upload the .ipa with xcrun altool --upload-app and there was no problem. Tried the xcrun altool now, also not working (forever loading). Usually i got the message like "no error uploading the file"

fyi: i already tried the DAV only (untick Signiant and Aspera)

Same here

Have you solved the problem, I'm also having the same issue.

Have you solved the problem, I'm also having the same issue.

Same here. Have you solved ?


Have anybody solved the issue? It's really frustrating. It's just spinning and spinning. No error no warning no information.

I was encountering this error as well. After restarting my computer Transporter worked fine and quickly sent my app to App Store Connect.

This also worked for me:
cd ~
mv .itmstransporter/ .old_itmstransporter/

Found this solution here:
Uploading .ipa using transporter stuck