I am trying to create a XCFramework with the functionality of core data.
I simplly create a xcdatamodel and one entity in it.
Something like this:
public class Conversation: NSManagedObject {
extension Conversation {
@nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest {
return NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Conversation")
@NSManaged public var message: String?
@NSManaged public var date: Date?
When I create the XCFramework, it won't compile in the host app.
(I create the XCFramework by using the xcodebuild -create-xcframework)
The error is :
@NSManaged not allowed on computed properties
In the swiftInterface I got something like this:
@objc(Conversation) public class Conversation : CoreData.NSManagedObject {
@objc override dynamic public init(entity: CoreData.NSEntityDescription, insertInto context: CoreData.NSManagedObjectContext?)
@objc deinit
extension Conversation {
@nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> CoreData.NSFetchRequest<xcframeworktest.Conversation>
@objc @NSManaged dynamic public var date: Foundation.Date? {
@objc get
@objc set
@objc @NSManaged dynamic public var message: Swift.String? {
@objc get
@objc set
My question is: How to not generate the getter and setter for NSManaged attributes when creating the XCFramework?