App Build Not Showing in Activity tab on iTunes (Xcode 11.2.1)

App uploaded with succes from Xcode 11.2.1 (Without any warning or error) but no showing in Activity tab on iTunes.

No specific mail received with an error. Anybody the same problem ?

EDIT: It's been 5 days...

EDIT: New upload try today working well and visible in Activity tab on iTunes (5 mins later) . Odl builds still invisibles,I do not know what happened.

Mine took a while but finally showed up

We're experiencing exactly the same problem. Xcode shows a successful message after the upload, but none of the builds appear in App Store Connect...

If you're expecting to see those builds immediately after uploading, it can help to instead be patient while the process on the backend completes...

Having the same issue starting today. I'm using Xcode 10.1 so it seems there's a server issue going on with App Store Connect. It's weird because to date builds have invariably showed up immediately in App Store Connect as Processing. I'm guessing this will resolve with time but if anyone finds a solution please let us know.

EDIT: This was indeed the case. The issue resolved after a few hours.

I faced this issue while trying to upload serveral time with same build number. Waited almost 2 hours but still not appearing. I found this issue is maybe specifically with Xcode 11.2.1 builds. Need to be quickly fixed.

App Build Not Showing in Activity tab on iTunes (Xcode 11.2.1)