Scroll action no longer skims through track in Music?

(Now that iTunes is called "Music", "Podcasts" etc., it's simple for a user to see what apps do but very hard to Google for _anything_ sensibly).

In iTunes, you could hover the mouse pointer over the progress bar while playing a track and use scroll up/down gestures to rapidly skim through a track. This is super, super helpful when previewing a new album or artist, as you can use the keyboard's forward/back keys to skip through tracks, then skim using the mouse pad. Much faster and more fluid than holding down and waiting for the forward/back keys to slowly skim through and no need to keep moving the mouse pointer around to try and click on the tiny ~2 pixel high progress bar.

This worked in Music on 10.15.0 but doesn't work in Music since 10.15.1. Regression? Deliberate? Who knows; not in release notes, a frustrating thing to lose, no obvious settings for it. Anyone know of hidden defaults?

Scroll action no longer skims through track in Music?