Too many deletions reported in App Store statistics

I have a small app (kineticSynth), that has a few 1-day spikes of deletions in the statistics which seem fake because these deletions are more in number than the total (for all time) number of installs of the app (even counted via App Unit counts, not the opt-in installs). My app has 133 deletions reported only for yesterday, and this is more than all the app units (installed) since this app is on the App Store... Where do these deletions come from?

This forum seems dead. One would think with all the billions that Apple have in the bank, they could offer better support to developers. A pretty simple problem, not something hard to describe or reproduce, and yet - no answer and solution, not even an aknowledgement of the problem.

Not having correct statistics, which is almost the same as not having statistics at all, is very unprofessional. Not even mentioning the obvious question: If the statistics are not correct, are the rankings in the store "correct"? Deletions affect ranking, don't they?

The purpose of this forum is to have discussions among developers. It's not intended to report problems to Apple.

That said, the activity level on the forums does seem to be trending downward. I think that's because a lot of indy developers are getting out of the business.

Too many deletions reported in App Store statistics