How to set dark theme for LaunchScreen storyboard?


I have created my launch screen using only a storyboard and I am trying to change its background color for the dark mode. The light mode is colorful while the dark mode is almost black. I know that I can use the System Background Color but this will make my component white when using the light mode but my app logo will not be visible with this color.

I have tried to use dynamic named colors inside an Assets.xcassets, but my app is iOS 10 above, so it's a no go.

The only solution I found for this problem is to set a image simulating the background for each theme, far from ideal.
Any idea of what I can do to solve this problem?

Thank you.


Maybe you should draw your logo for light and dark modes ?

Remember that maunchscreens are not flexible, thay do not support sophisticated drawing, because app is not yet launched at this time.

The logo is white with blue background on light mode and white with black background on dark mode.

They are not flexible but they support dark mode anyway, just check how the themeing for images works. The system does detect these changes even not touching the AppDelegate.

How to set dark theme for LaunchScreen storyboard?