Applying force on object in Reality Composer does not work

So I created a scene in reality composer that has one object (In my case a rocket). I have made a behaviour that would apply force when a trigger notification happens. And I post this trigger when a button is pressed from the app.

@IBAction func ShootRocket(_ sender: Any) { }

However, the rocket does not move when I press the button. Instead if I make the behaviour to hide instead of applying force it works perfectly.

Does any one knows If I am missing something or is it a bug from Apple ?


Xcode 11.1

I've found a similar issue.

I'm trying to apply a force in a similar manner and the behaviour works fine in RC but not in an app. I know the behaviour is responding because I've chained a sound to the action.

Hopefully it'll be fixed soon.


I have the same problem. Do you find solution?

Applying force on object in Reality Composer does not work