Setting requestedOperation to .operationLogout for an ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest has no effect

I tried to find a way to perform a logout for a user that logged in with his Apple ID. That's because if a user deletes his account using a setting in our app, the account data is no longer stored in the database. But if he wants to use Sign in with Apple ID again, the ASAuthorizationAppleIDCredential only contains the user ID, as the name and email can only be retrieved the first time. So, a user that deletes his account but wants to create it again using apple id, can't do it unless he removes the app from Settings -> Apple ID -> Password & Security -> Apple ID logins.

The code I tried:

func accountDeleted() {

let request = ASAuthorizationAppleIDProvider().createRequest()

request.requestedOperation = .operationLogout

let authorizationController = ASAuthorizationController(authorizationRequests: [request])



Is this really the intended behaviour? Why is there the .operationLogout option if it has no effect?

Setting requestedOperation to .operationLogout for an ASAuthorizationAppleIDRequest has no effect