WKWebView on macCatalyst: Change cursor appearance

When using WKWebView on macCatalyst, how do I change the appearance of the mouse cursor?

It always looks like the "][" text insertion cursor. When I move the mouse slowly it keeps the standard black arrow mouse pointer appearance. When I move a bit faster, it fluctuates between "black arrow" and "][". When I move it at normal speed, it just stays as "][".

I've tried to set the "cursor" CSS property to different values, all to no avail. Is there a way to make this work or is this just a bug?



This is also an issue for me.

I'm hoiping to generate some ideas.


Same here the text cursor ][ appear on buttons and links.

Also there is no way to zoom on WKWebview and PDFView on macCatalyst with a mouse, only magic pad.

we are also experiencing the same issue

WKWebView on macCatalyst: Change cursor appearance