How do you create a one to many relationship with Core Data Model for CloudKit?

I can't seem to figure out how to get a one-to-many relationship working with a NSPersistentCloudKitContainer. Has anyone been able to do this successfully? I see the relationship that is one-to-one on the other end, but not the relationship which is supposed to be many to many.

I've been trying to use the information here am unsure if this is a limitation of CloudKit and CoreData, if the data is there and just not showing in the dashboard or any other option.

I've put my code here on Github and would love any help or thoughts. I would also be very keen to hear of any better ways to be debugging and visualising this data I am trying to write apart from the CloudKit dashboard, I don't know yet how to retrieve and display the data with SwiftUI.

It seems like it was working all along, just unable to show in CloudKit Dashboard. Have updated the repository with code to print the result of the relationship.

How do you create a one to many relationship with Core Data Model for CloudKit?