White Label apps / Apple 4.3 spam design

Wanted to check if there's really a issue for a genuine company going to release a white label solution( with different branding, logo, look and feel) for their product using same apple store account, app template but with different bundle id?

>Wanted to check if there's really a issue - with different bundle id

As that example is specifically called out in 4.3 Spam,my opinion is yes, issue.

An while we're on the subject, you are also at risk of violating 4.2.2Minimum Functionality

Hi, Has there been a solution to this issue? We're a clinic/ diary management software and want our customers to have their own version of the App we provide, better branding for them. But we cannot give our App to our customers to have on their own account, as the App code is our intellectual property.

Same situation here.

White Label apps / Apple 4.3 spam design