Can someone please confirm? Files app does not work on Xcode 11 simulators

Installed the latest Xcode 11 from Mac App Store. Running macOS catalina latest beta (released on 23rd september 2019).

When I open a simulator via Xcode stock files app does not work. Files app unable to open any file. Can't delete any file. Etc, etc.

My app support uidocumentbrowserviewcontroller (files app interface) so I am unable to open any file too from my app running on Xcode 11 simulators.

Please confirm. Would be highly appreciated!!

Accepted Reply

Confirming the same behavior. The console complains about the URL being nil. I am surprised this has not been brought up by more people. Hopefully this will be resolved in Xcode 11.1.


Confirming the same behavior. The console complains about the URL being nil. I am surprised this has not been brought up by more people. Hopefully this will be resolved in Xcode 11.1.

Confirming it too, Files app seems to be useless.

I'm writing an app that uses UIDocumentBrowserViewController and it appears to be broken on Xcode 11, the method documentBrowser:didPickDocumentsAtURLs: is not called, it seems to be deprecated but is unclear how to replace it, anyone having this same problem ?

Confirmed as well that the problem STILL exists in the gold master of xcode 11.1. Maybe we need MacOS 10.15??

The GOOD NEWS is that I updated a physical IPad to IOS 13.1 and the functionality works there; it's just a problem on the simulator.