Can someone please confirm? Xcode 11 simulators does not work for Files app and for iCloud Drive

Installed the latest Xcode 11 from Mac App Store on the latest beta build of macOS Catalina. Built and tested my app on Xcode 11 simulators.

Two major isssues (Can someone please confirm or verify):

1. stock files app does not work. Files app does not open any file. My app has files app integration so unable to open any files vis UIDocumentBrowserViewController's view.

2. iCloud Drive does not work on simulators. Simulators (Files app or any app implemented files app) always keep asking an user to sign in to iCloud Drive.

Are these known issues ? OR is it just on my mac? Will apple Xcode team fix these issues in Xcode 11 for simulators?

Accepted Reply

From the release notes:

iCould Drive isn’t supported in iOS 13.0 and earlier simulator runtimes when running on macOS Catalina 10.15. Logging into iCloud on impacted simulators will result in

terminating and relaunching in a cycle.


From the release notes:

iCould Drive isn’t supported in iOS 13.0 and earlier simulator runtimes when running on macOS Catalina 10.15. Logging into iCloud on impacted simulators will result in

terminating and relaunching in a cycle.