Sandbox user creation no longer allows + character in email?

Hello, in the past we've been able to creation IAP sandbox users on App Store Connect using emails with the + character.

This appears to no longer be allowed? Was this intentional or a bug?

If intentional it'll be more difficult now to create sandbox accounts for testing, having to have a truly unique email for each.

I believe that you can use any legit name for an email. Try just appending a number to your name.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by legit name, can you please give a concrete example?

here is a legit email address:

here are other legit email addresses:

here is an invalid email address:


At least as of a few months ago you doid not need to use a 'real' email address - one that can actually receive an email - you only needed a 'legit' email address.

This is very frustating. Get my example, handle many client account. I create a sandbox@***** and each client need to test. So, older Apple accounts have sandbox+(client)@**** very handy to receive and test this email on Sandbox Apple Purchase. Now, i cant creat with plus ( + ) sign, or subaddress my email. What is happen to Apple? I need to create a billion accounts for handle all my clients??? Thats make no sense to prohibite that...

@mvl-dxie, did you ever manage to solve this? Seems like it is still the case, error in App Store Connect:

"This email address can’t contain the character "+""
In another thread, PBK said the sandbox user never gets an email:

If that's true, there's no need to use an address that you can receive email at.
I can confirm adding "+" no longer works which is very frustrating.
Super frustrating. With Apple Login as a requirement these days, it's actually important to be able to test emailing the user, and using plus addresses was a huge timesaver.
This is very painful. Please allow emails with "+" character.
Sandbox user creation no longer allows + character in email?