This is my very first time publishing my App. In-app purchase items were available during testing. But once I upload it for App review, it got rejected either because the details of the IAP items are not displaying properly or the items are not fetched at all. I am wondering how to handle the first time review of an App with IAP? Many thanks for help.
Thanks PBK for your response.
I have looked at those potential causes and also tried Apple's technical support but had no luck.
I have then made another attempt and the App Review team was able to see the IAPs. What I did was - uploading the binary and submiting it for review as usual, and after submitting the binary, I made minor modifications to each IAP (e.g. updating the description under each language).
While I had already done the same after a binary was rejected and before submitting the binary, it seems that the same "IAP editing" process is required after the submission of another binary for review. I am not sure how that works, but the App Reviewer was able to see the IAP items after I did the above.
Just for info in case anyone else might encounter the same.