In-app purchase items not showing during App publish review

This is my very first time publishing my App. In-app purchase items were available during testing. But once I upload it for App review, it got rejected either because the details of the IAP items are not displaying properly or the items are not fetched at all. I am wondering how to handle the first time review of an App with IAP? Many thanks for help.

Answered by wrty in 386099022

Thanks PBK for your response.

I have looked at those potential causes and also tried Apple's technical support but had no luck.

I have then made another attempt and the App Review team was able to see the IAPs. What I did was - uploading the binary and submiting it for review as usual, and after submitting the binary, I made minor modifications to each IAP (e.g. updating the description under each language).

While I had already done the same after a binary was rejected and before submitting the binary, it seems that the same "IAP editing" process is required after the submission of another binary for review. I am not sure how that works, but the App Reviewer was able to see the IAP items after I did the above.

Just for info in case anyone else might encounter the same.

Did you check the Troubleshooting section of the IAP FAQs?

As well, pls. show the rejection verbiage, rather than paraphrasing, etc. Also any appeals.

>Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed We have started the review of your app, but we are not able to continue because we cannot locate the in-app purchases purchase button within your app.

This sounds like they were not able to even request the IAPs - that is, they were not able to get your code to execute an SKProductsRequest to have your app get the available products list and display it.

But then you wrote.......

>According to the screenshot provided by the reviewer, there was no IAP items fetched.

So maybe they did cause your code to execute an SKProductsRequest but got back no available products (i.e. an empty response.products in

-(void)productsRequest: (SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response{ )

If so: there are very few reasons for [response.products count]==0 in app review if they were !=0 during testing. One reason may be that your banking contracts were not signed and another reason could be associated with 'cleared for sale' problems.

> if I upload a version without IAP function will those IAP items under review still be approved.

The first IAPs will not be approved unless they are submitted with a new binary. Subsequent IAPs cxan be approved without a new binary if the previous binary can handle the new productIdentifiers

>rejected product identifiers cannot be reused.

If your IAPs were 'rejected' then the productIdentifier is dead and you need to recode and create new IAPs. But App Review usually just marks them with a benign 'developer action required' which is not 'rejected'. So if App Review has a problem with your IAP and marks them 'developer action required' then you need to solve the underlying problem and then just add a "anything" to the IAP metadata, save it, then delete that "anything" and save it again.

Accepted Answer

Thanks PBK for your response.

I have looked at those potential causes and also tried Apple's technical support but had no luck.

I have then made another attempt and the App Review team was able to see the IAPs. What I did was - uploading the binary and submiting it for review as usual, and after submitting the binary, I made minor modifications to each IAP (e.g. updating the description under each language).

While I had already done the same after a binary was rejected and before submitting the binary, it seems that the same "IAP editing" process is required after the submission of another binary for review. I am not sure how that works, but the App Reviewer was able to see the IAP items after I did the above.

Just for info in case anyone else might encounter the same.

Description editing is apparently a trusted tactic. Thanks for the follow-up, and good luck in the store.

In-app purchase items not showing during App publish review