[Question] Downgrade from ipados 13.1 beta to ipados 13.0 final release

I was wandering this. If I have installed ipados beta 13.1 in my ipad, when the public version will be released for everyone on 30th september I will be able to downgrade from ipados 13.1 beta to ipados 13.0 final without any data loss?
Infact I actually don't know if 13.1 version itunes beckup will be compatible with 13.0 release.


I’m not sure why you would, given 13.1 will be out shortly afterward. Just stay with what you have until the final release.

I don't think there is going to be a 13.0 Final for iPad. iPadOS will be released on September 24th, the same day 13.1 is released.

I did this just morning. On my iMac running the latest Catalina beta I installed iPadOS beta 8, the latest iPad 13.0 beta version you can download and installed it through Catalina with my ipad physically plugged into the iMac. Took a few minutes and when it finished, my ipad shows as running iOS 13. The ipad iOS 13.1 versions were a little too gruesome for me right now so I bailed on the beta version.

Once that happens and I have the final release, how do I stop getting beta software?