Error importing this build

During these two days, when I uploaded my .iap frome xcode10.3,My MacOS version is 10.14.6. I got an error after the end of the processing,it is "error when importing this build". I have not modified any settings in my project. In addition to the version number, I have only modified the code logic. I have uploaded three versions ,but after the end of the processing,get this error, please answer me how to do it.thank you.

Does anyone have the same problem as me?"There was an error importing this build."

what should I do, I am so helpless, help me please

Me, neither.

Did you find a solution?

Ultil now, The problem hasn't been resolved with our app. The Apple Support just ask me for waiting since more than 2 weeks ago!

Anybody here in AppStore Connect team who can support us?


Error importing this build