Relation between a GameCenter ID and Apple ID

Hello everyone,

we've been linking our app users to our internal account system for quite some time now, using the playerID used by generateIdentityVerificationSignature() which looks like "G:123456789".

Now, we have recently tested Sign In With Apple JS and everything works fine. However, the user ID we receive (from the "sub" field in the ID token) looks totally different. I need to know if there's a way to retrieve the Game Center ID with this new format (or the other way around, retrieve the new format from the old ID), otherwise we won't be able to detect returning users as such.

In case this isn't possible, will the Game Center ID still be available to our apps through the SDK, so we can at least make the connection when needed?


Hello everyone,

Answered by in 380875022

Hi LaurentB,

There is no relationship between these two identifiers.


Accepted Answer

Hi LaurentB,

There is no relationship between these two identifiers.



Does Apple have any recommendation how to handle the two sign in options in games? Should games treat Game Center still as a primary/default option for sign in? Should we make them equal, so user always chooses? Will eventually Apple Sign In take over Game Center, so the later becomes deprecated?




Recently Apple released "Sign in with Apple" / Apple Sign-in. It is supported starting from firmware 13.

Apple also has "Game Center". The usage for this feature are includes saving game progress on cloud, achievements, etc.

My question is, what is the difference between Apple Sign-in and Game Center? Will eventually Apple Sign In take over Game Center, so the later becomes deprecated? Our game used "Game Center" and ohter third-party or social login service, is it necessary to add/change to Apple Sign-in?

dima_beliy I also want to know the same information as ungolyant. How should we link these 2 ID that actually is the same account and same email to each other?
Relation between a GameCenter ID and Apple ID