Unable to Send Emails to Private Relay Service

We have registered the full email addresses on the developer portal and they have green ticks next to them but are unable to send emails from them still, they just bounce back. We have also published a spf record for our domain, does anyone else have this problem? How can we fix it?

Answered by lnb in 380406022

Please make sure that you're actually sending your emails from the domains you have registered.

If you use a third-party mail service (like AmazonSES, SendGrid, or MailChimp), it does not work yet.

Also, if you have an example <anonymousUserId>@privaterelay.appleid.com, we can try looking in the logs.


We are not blocked anymore. 🙂

This seems to be incorrect.

Following the instructions here https://sendgrid.com/docs/ui/account-and-settings/configuring-sign-in-with-apple/ we were able to get our sendgrid emails work properly with the relay service.

We also have send emails through a third party service using SalesForce. And we were able to send emails through the relay after registering and verifying our sending domain with Apple.

We are using Mailgun and are also not able to send to Apple Id users who use the email relay. We receive an error message as follows:

Failed: postmaster@mg.pettingclub.comxxxxxxx@privaterelay.appleid.com ...... Server response: 550 5.1.1 Relay not allowed for <xxxxxxxx@privaterelay.appleid.com> from domain: <mg.pettingclub.com>

Can someone from Apple please respond whether Mailgun is supposed to work with apple relay?

Instead of certifying a domain - can we certify specific email addressed ? The setting does not seem to work for that.

We are using a DNS setting to send emails from Mailgun that appear as "mg.pettingclub.com" . However we cannot load the txt signature file to that domain because obviously the mail server is at Mailgun.

So we tried instead to set the "Individual Email Addresses" settings, but any address we added to it - does not seem to work. Not info@pettingclub.com , nor any gmail address we tried. For example:

550 5.1.1 Relay not allowed for <xxxxxxxxxx@privaterelay.appleid.com> from domain: <gmail.com>

Is there a problem with setting up individual email addresses?

what made it possible to send?

We currently use MailChimp and AmazonSES email services and this is a significant issue for us, has this changed since September 2019?

What service are you using?

Any update on the timeline for this? Still waiting to implement


Is there any update on supporting third party services for the private relay service?



Is there any update on supporting third party services for the private relay service? Is it resolved for AmazonSES?
Is there any update on supporting third party services for the private relay service? Is it resolved for AmazonSES?
Hi, I'm using google mail for sending out emails and facing similar challenge where my domain and email address is SPF verified but I'm not able to receive any email from private relay id. Is anyone facing similar issue? How can we fix this?
Has any one found a solution to this issue using Office 365 email? Greatly appreciated if you share how you fixed it.
I have apple showing thumbs up for the domain and email addresses but no apple hidden email provides a response, neither bounce back or success. I can't add url but if you google sendgrid configuring-sign-in-with-apple it speaks of Hosting Apple’s Association Text File which is no longer for download after the domain is successful, what to do after it's successful? This FAQ seems old, please help and thank you!!!!
Unable to Send Emails to Private Relay Service