Xcode 11 beta 6 upload error

I'm attempting to upload an iOS 13-ready version of an app for TestFlight distribution. I get the following error with no further explanation:

"App Store Connect Operation Error

An error occurred uploading to the App Store."

The error occurs almost immediately after the start of the upload phase.

I'm running Xcode 11 beta 6 on MacOS 10.14.6.

The only unusual thing that preceeded this was a request to create a new Apple Distribution Certificate, which I let Xcode do.

Any suggestions on how to diagnose the issue?

I was able to successfully upload the same build (almost the same - removed a few iOS 13-only methods) with Xcode 10. It did ask for keychain permissions that Xcode 11 did not ask for, so I suspect that is related. Maybe Xcode 11 isn't asking for the same, just giving up?

I rebuilt with Xcode 11 without modifying any content (same content that uploaded successfully with Xcode 10) and got the same App Store Connect Operation Error.

All ideas/suggestions appreciated...

I was able to export the Xcode 11 build and use the Xcode 10 Application Loader to successfully upload the ipa.

I was having the same problem and this solution worked for me. I had to manually create and download provisioning profiles -- the automatic signing didn't work for some reason. But I now have the archive uploaded to the App Store. Thank you!

Turning off "Automatically Manage Signing", then turning it back on fixed the signing issue for me. I still needed to export and use the Xcode 10 Application Loader to successfully upload for TestFlight distribution.

FWIW, I'm having the same problem with the Xcode 11 GM. Don't delete your copy of Xcode 10!

Save the Application Loader app.

Try with Xcode 11.1 GM

I'm having the same issue with a few apps, all have worked previously via Xcode's uploaded. I had to use the Application Loader to get them uploaded. I'm assuming this is something on Apple's end.

I've filed a case with Apple. I'll post their results. So far it's been "we need more information".

Still having this issue with XCode 11 GM and XCode 11.1 GM. Uploading does not work, checked network, proxy, still no solution found. XCode reinstall also does not help. With XCode 10 uploading working fine

finally I solved the issue with this link: https://stackoverflow.com/a/58552091/1505074

deleted the folder /usr/local/itms/ with the ancient Transport in it.

Kind of unbelieveable, but it DID work! old files in there from 2008 or so! OTOH, a useful error message would have helped!

Xcode 11 beta 6 upload error