Remove tvOS app from App Store Connect


my app has an iOS and a tvOS app in App Store Connect. Sadly, I don't have the resources anymore to maintain the tvOS app.

Therefore, I would like to delete the tvOS app from the App Store but still keep the iOS app.

Is there any option to only remove the tvOS app from sale and still keep the iOS app?


  • Same problem here, my tvOS product is no longer viable and I want to remove it from sale. Unfortunately there is no option to do so.

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any update on this topic? Have you been able to remove the tvOS App and keep the iOS App?
Would like to do the same but did not find any solution on the web.

I'm also wondering about this. Did any of you find a solution?

This question is relevant for me as well.

I have the same question.


Did anyone find a solution to this?

Hi folks, I have Word Battle Multiplayer app, which is an IOS game. I accidentally clicked on adding tvOS version/platform to my app and could not delete it. I contacted support.

The support said: "platforms can be removed only if there are no approved versions of said platform and if the existing platform is in an editable status. "

So in my case, the solution was to add a new IOS version to my app and then I could remove the tvOS version by hoovering the mouse over it and then a little red remove button appeared on the right. It's very weird logic, but now (in October 2020) this is how it works. Hope, I could help. Cheers. Fun Rob Games

  • yes, this worked for me. We accidentally added a tvOS version. Thanks!

  • This worked for me also thanks. Initially it didn't as we had an app pending developer release. Once the app was released, I added a new version, then the red icon on hover appeared on the MacOS version.

  • This worked for me as of June 2022. Thanks for posting.

Same here. I've asked for this to be made available to developers. Please +1 in the feedback ticket if you agree.

As of March 2024 this doesn't seem to work for me. I just added a Vision Pro platform by mistake and can't find a way to hover above it an remove it even though my version is in an editable status.

Same problem 2024.may ... how can i remove the tvos version, and keep the ios version only?