Cancelling a WKExtendedRuntimeSession doesn't seem to work

This is regarding Extended Session's Smart Alarm Mode that allows scheduling.

After scheduling a WKExtendedRuntimeSession into the future (1 min), then when I call invalidate() the delegate gives me a undecipherable error below:

[30534:2413736] [sessions] encountered error Error Domain=CSLSSessionErrorDomain Code=3 "No record that <CSLSession: 0x85ba6790; pid: 30534; dismissed: YES; duration: 1800.0; autoEnd: NO; launchable: NO; mutuallyExclusive: YES; managed: YES; persisted: NO; _cpuPercentage: 0.0; schedulable: YES; requiresFGActiveInitiation: YES; lastForeground: 2019-07-25 21:36:14 +0000> |CSLSSession = {

| sessionID: 760B5C6B-6C1A-40C2-AE56-882374262B71; bundleID: a.a.watchkitapp; type: scheduled; running: NO; expirationDate: 0x0; startDate: 2019-07-25 21:38:14 +0000; lastStartWasScheduled: NO;

|} was started" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=No record that <CSLSession: 0x85ba6790; pid: 30534; dismissed: YES; duration: 1800.0; autoEnd: NO; launchable: NO; mutuallyExclusive: YES; managed: YES; persisted: NO; _cpuPercentage: 0.0; schedulable: YES; requiresFGActiveInitiation: YES; lastForeground: 2019-07-25 21:36:14 +0000> |CSLSSession = {

| sessionID: 760B5C6B-6C1A-40C2-AE56-882374262B71; bundleID: a.a.watchkitapp; type: scheduled; running: NO; expirationDate: 0x0; startDate: 2019-07-25 21:38:14 +0000; lastStartWasScheduled: NO;

|} was started}

Any idea how to properly cancel it? Or is this a Beta bug?

Cancelling a WKExtendedRuntimeSession doesn't seem to work