I can't install Norton antivirus after I installed 10.15 Catalina


I have had MacOS Catalina for about a month now. I recently got my social secuirty number stolen and need to install antivirus software. I am trying to install norton and it won't open the software after downloading. Anyone have any suggestions? I tried downloading from both safari and Chrome.


Or if anyone knows of an antivirus software I can download that would be appreciated.

This is beta and I don't know of an AV that has been updated for 10.15. Did you actually get a Virus? AV will probably not even help you.

You can use ClamXAV as an Antivirus with Catalina, You can use Malwarebytes.com, On Mwb you have to install with pacifist.app, because the regular Installation looks at OS.-Version and rejected on Catalina.

But after restart the Mac, Mwb works fine under Catalina too.

I had a similar situation before that I think I can understand your situation.

Yes I also agree with others that ClamXAV is a free software and regit to eliminating all issues.

And my experience says that beta-macOS has been known to be not compatible with any commercial anti-virus available:

they all are in eagerness state: more aggresive than ClamXAV.

And I don't think it would be beneficial to have such any anti-virus software on macOS which can be a moot point to others.

However, as an experienced user and game software engineer using macOS for more than 9 years, I can say this with assurance.

And from the beginning macOS had a sorts of anti-virus software in its core.

I used to more care about ad-ware, not viruses.

hi, if you have succsee or this helped you, please leave a feedback here...

I can't install Norton antivirus after I installed 10.15 Catalina