Delete Files on Root Drive?

Hi All,

Updating from Beta 3, to Beta 4 on Catalina.. And it's given me the following message

“Macintosh HD” contains files on the root of the volume. If you continue installation, these files will be deleted.

Is this the case as I havn't got a back up of my files, and I don't want to loose everything!

Same here - I find the message misleading unless it will do what it says - than it's kinda scary.

Has anyone upgraded gone for the latest Catalina and can share their experience?

I was confused by this message as well. I went ahead and installed the udpate, nothing was lost. I would be sure to have a backup of course in case you encounter issues.

I had to think twice before installing the update when a saw this message as well. Went searching online for this message as I had not seen it before and came across this post. Just like djstangl, I went ahead and installed the update and luckely dind't lose anyting as well.

Not sure why the message pops up, but I would always make sure to have a backup before installing it especcialy when dealing with beta builds.

I can conform that too.

This message just means that if you accidentally got installed some application into your root (Macintosh HD/*), instead of "Programs" or dedicated folder on Macintosh HD - Data, it will be deleted on Catalina update. And that's fine because the alternative way of deleting it requires, to say, some efforts:

Hello, Thank you! The guidance here was helpful. But now I cannot see the iCloud files by clicking on the left nav link, the cursor just spins. I can search and find/view individual folders or files, but not the 'root' of the iCloud. Cataline BETA 19A512F.

This explanation is plain and simple! Thank you.

Delete Files on Root Drive?