Photos will not open

PHPhotosErrorInvalidState error message when Photos opened. Anyone solved this?

Have you tried the option key when launching the app?

Yes, thanks. Using the option key, I tried reloading my Photo Library, but that didn't work. I then tried to set up a new Photo Library. Nothing happened (no download of photos from iCloud). My Photo Library is over 100 GB, so I didn't try downloading from a hard drive. Should I?

When Photo failed to open; I reverted to a TM backup. That worked (I thought). I could open and display my Library, but iClould would never update. So, I relaunched and started with a new Library. After I did that, iClould updated and synced. Now my iCloud Library is not as big as yours, but you may want to try a few more times.

Had the same issue. Used Appcleaner to delete Photos. Uncheck the app and check all the others. Delete, restart Photo's, confirm dialogs and all's good. Tried it several times; works!

had the same problem with catalina. Proceed as follows, select the media library file in the finder, select option "show package contents", select the folder "Master" and copy, no matter where, but save again. (here are all pictures in it, that were ever in your mediathek), open the app photo with control and select create new. then choose File - Import and the Master folder, all images are displayed and then - import all images, done

Still making no progress with Photos. "media library"? As in "Photos"? If so, it's labled 2017, not 2019. Perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place? If I try to backup Photos to iCloud, it tries, says "checking library" then stops. peterharte: I'm nervous about deleting Photos. Please explain. Also, where are all my photos *actually* located?

Last 2 posts are somehow confusing..

Delete users/yourname/library/Containers/ and users/yourname/library/Containers/

Option/shift start Photos and select your library.

That will do the trick too.

Nope. I get PHPhotosErrorInvalidState

First, none of the ideas above worked. I have upgraded to 19A512f and now it says "An error occurred while migrating the photo library. Please quit and relaunch Photos and try again."

So I tried all the ideas above agian and still......An error occurred.....

So am I screwed as I cannot open any of my 10 years+ of photos? Or, are there any more ideas.....? I'm kind of despondant now......

I have this error too, and have no idea how to fix. ive tried all the above and no luck. ive submitted as a bug to apple. nothings changed as of yet.

One thing i did notice is i created a copy of my library however it stopped part way so cancelled. this left a file still but was a few gb short. this opened. But lost the albums. all photos showed ( with a few unable to open i gather due to a incomplete copy).

sadly this caused the normal error. PHPhotosErrorInvalidState

i did note however on the incomplete copy the updating part zoomed through and then went to restoring library.

any one have any ideas. i admit my mac knowledge is still new

This worked for me on Catalina beta 5 thanks ✅

Photos will not open