Upgraded to Mac Os 10.15 Beta and Fn key doens't work anymore

Hello everyone,

I just upgraded to Mac OS 10.15 19A501i on my MacBook Pro 15-inch 2016, and the Fn key doesn't seem to work anymore, it is completely ignored. I have played with the keyboard system preferences, but no avail, the Fn is literally dead. Any ideas? Am I the only one having this issue?

Answered by YemYigit in 371807022

First of all, if i make any mistake in English excuse me.

Download and Upgrade your OS to Catalina Public Beta 4. fn key and function keys on touch bar are working.

But i want to mention a new bug which is function keys default on some apps.

If you want to use functional keys by default on some apps, you could add that app from settings > keyboard > shortcuts > functions keys.

But here i can tell that my saved apps in here are not display function keys by default. I need to press fn key to get them.

Device: Macbook Pro 2018 15' w/ Touch Bar

OS: Macos Catalina Public Beta 4 10.15

EDIT: Function keys are working as default but after one-time fn key press. On Touch Bar latest status is saving and not refreshing app-by-app. If you switch app from fn key default to app controls default app. You need to press one-time only fn key to refresh

Are are Fn keys not working at all?

Are they working as F1 - F12?

Are they working as functions such as volume up/down?

I have a Logitech K750 and my Fn keys are working as volume up/down and cannot get them to work as F1-F12.

If you have a true Apple keyboard, then the "Use F!,F2, etc. key as standard function keys..." will show up on Keyboard System Preferences. If not, it doesn't.

It also appears that we need an update from Logitech for the Logitech Control Center to make this happen.

Thanks for your reply.

I use the built-in keyboard with touch bar, so the function keys should appear in the touch bar when I push the Fn key, but nothing happens.

I hope this clarifies! Thanks again.

You're not the only one. I'm seeing exactly the behaviour you are.

Specifically then I press the function button I expect to see the function keys displayed in the touch bar (keyboard settings set to show fn keys, but whatever I set it to doesn't matter). It appears that the touch bar is ignoring the fn key - I've confirmed that the fn key is being seen by the mac by checking the on screen keyboard and that does show the fn key being pressed).

I'm running a Macbook Pro 2019 15 inch - so quite a different beastie than yours, but it looks like we have the same issue.

Thanks 🙂

Yes, exactly! Same exact issue! Will Apple fix this? Or anyone knows how to solve this problem? Really annoying!

Thank you jsumner for your posting.

Same for me, also, if you hold down the delete, or arrow or anykey for a fast repeat, that doesn't work either.

Same problem here. No function keys.

The same thing here. I post a thread yesterday, finally I find the way out.

Try restart TouchBar via

sudo pkill TouchBarServer

I have same problem in my mac book pro 15' 2016. Restart TouchBarServer doesn't work for me.

On Mac OS 10.15 19A501i with MacBook Pro 15 - 2018 I have too this problem and bugs in launchpad not show apps

Thank you for the tip, but "sudo pkill TouchBarServer" didn't work for me. The problem is still there!

Same for me. The Fn key not work with touchbar. Restarting the TouchBar has no effect

Yes, I have the same problem. I haven't found a solution yet. It may need to wait for the official solution.

Same here. Beta 3, 2017 macbook pro with TB. TB is completely non functional.

The same issue: I can only change the global config of the touch bar - so it's either always Fx buttons, or system shortcuts. So annoying...

The Fn key not work with touchbar. Restarting the TouchBar has no effect.

I have the same issue. MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2018).

I did notice that I can use the keyboard viewer to at least access the function keys, whilst using the touch bar for app controls, while I wait for this to be addressed in a future update.

For those interested. System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources > check "Show input menu in menu bar" ... From Menu Bar > Show Keyboard Viewer. Is one way to get to the Keyboard Viewer.

Nice tip to display functions keys on the screen, at least temporarily. Thanks!

But I hope Apple can fix his ASAP.

the same broblem 🙂 with macbook pro 13 2018

Same here, MacBook Pro 2018 15"

Can confirm I have the issue, too.

The touchbar doesn't change to Function Keys when I hold Fn key, but Fn key itself still works (dictation, Siri, etc), it's just the Fn key setting in System Preferences > Keyboard that doesn't affect anything.

MacBook Pro 13" 2018 with Touchbar (MacOS Catalina dev beta 3)

me too ! MacBook Pro 2018 Touch Bar

Me too! on a Macbook Pro 2018. As mentioned previously you can use the keyboard viewer to get to FN keys which isn't ideal but works. Also restarting the touch bar doesn't seem to affect anything.

bump! Same issue here.

Same issue for me with FN key. Macbook Pro 2018 15 inch.

Same issue here. MBP 2019 15 inch.

Upgraded to Mac Os 10.15 Beta and Fn key doens't work anymore