Carplay on IOS 13 Beta 3 - NOT WORKING !!!

Since the BETA 3 Update, Carplay is not fonctionning anymore on my Honda CRV and on my Goldwing was fantastci on BETA 2. Please Apple........fix this quick

I Had same issue In my Honda Civic. I reset all settings and it started working. Then I reset one by one each setting. When I put on Bold Text The screen went blank. I turned it off again and it worked again. I hope this helps.

Same on my VW Golf. reset the unit. reset carplay on iphone x. even tried a genuine apple cable.

alas no joy. bring on beta 4

Try turning bluetooth off. Try CarPlay, once working, turn Bluetooth. Took a few tries.

Not working on my GLE 350! I’ve tried everything listed here, but no success!! Please fix!!!

I am running ios 13 beta 3 on XS max. I updated on Monday and my vehicle stopped respoding. Apple's suggestion was "restore back to ios 12."

Deleted device from vehicle, deleted carpay in device settings and TURNED OFF BOLD TEXT. Plugged my device in and after a fwe seconds I was able to get CarPlay to function. Turned bold text back on and it immediatley blacked out and was unresponsive again on the head unit. Turned it off again and it functioned in vehicle normally. Good luck.

Same here. Was working buggy wit the IOS13 Beta 2 but completly stopped working when i updated to IOS13 Beat 3.

Please fix it Apple. Fix needs to be in Beta 4!

I will try the Bluetooth fix, the Bold Text and the Reset and Delete all settings.

Thanks everyone for posting this. i hope i get it resolved. Cheers!

Turning bold text off in my iPhone XS Max fixed the issue for me.

This fixed my issue also

Gonna try this myself in the morning...... it’s the only thing I have not tried or thought about..... Roll on Beta 4

Turning off bold text fixed the issue for me. 2019 Kia Optima iPhone XS Max

I’m am having the same issue in my Audi TT since the last update, all I get is a message saying no WiFi connection have tried removing bold txt , have unpaired deleting all the settings but still fails I have also tried using a usb cable connection but still unable to get CarPlay to function. Have submitted a report to Apple and Pioneer, great response from Pioneer “try turning your iPhone off and then back on” !

Yes turing off bold text solved my issue in my Chevy Colorado. Surely this will be fixed in the next beta. There was an updated beta 3 released today, but it wasn't fixed.

Yes, turning off Bold in the Accessiblity settings, fixed the issue for my 2018 Mazda CX-9. Thank you.

Peace and blessings,


Turning The Bold text off was all i needed to do, and now it is running.

I have a few other problemas including that, but turning off bold did fix this problem.

Mine neither!

I'M on build 2 on an iPhone X and it killed all carplay functions on my Pioneer wireless carplay receiver. I can still play music/podcasts over Bluetooth but nothing else works. Build 1 worked great.

WORKING! I turned off Bluetooth (off, not disabled from control center) and I turned off bold text. Waited 10 seconds, plugged the phone back in and CarPlay is working. 13 beta 3 - Subaru Legacy limited 2019

Thanks DJ. Turning off Bold Text worked for me as well. Unfortunately, Toyota may be restricting album art, so I have to wait and see if the Now Playing screen will allow it. Album art displays on the Dashboard screen, so I’ll keep hoping!

Same here in my BMW 2019 330. Keeps disconnecting on and off not recognizing phone then car play. Have reset car play reset phone settings reset everything. It was working fine before. Glad I am not alone as my next step was car dealer to see if communication module defective. I do not have bold on (xs max) so that is not an issue here. The only resolve is my shutting off the phone waiting and reconnecting. It does reconnect on the display but then goes off and on or fails. Tried the Bluetooth fix as well. No difference. I did submit the issue on the feedback app so maybe they will be working on a new beta. Anyone know when we can expect beta 4?

Turning off bold text solved this for me as well

Just tried it in my 2017 Chevrolet Trax and by taking off the bold text it worked also. Thanks forum for the info!

Same Issue with the public Beta and Škoda Karoq. iPhone X gets very hot and Black Screen on Infotaiment. Turning of Bold Text fixed the Issue and i think the whole Beta seems to run smoother

KENWOOD HEADUNIT, Turning off bold text solved the problem. thanks for the info.

Turn Off the bold text

it worked in my cla 200

Carplay on IOS 13 Beta 3 - NOT WORKING !!!