change my primary language of App store connect

I just signed up in the developer program and I want to change my primary language of App store connect:

both App dev program and apple id interface are set to English but Appstore connect is set to French by default. Thanks.


Same issue... :/

any result?

It's funny how I tried to do a search for this and end up on my post. Still looking for an answear.

Change your browsers preferred language. It will help
Hello Apple? 60% of Belgium speaks Dutch. Please fix this.
In case anyone still looking for this answer, I've found that they use your browser's preferred language to set the interface language. So if you're using Chrome go to chrome://settings/languages and put in the first position of the list the language you prefer!

Thanks for the suggestion, but it doesn't work for me. I always put all language settings to English, yet because I'm from Belgium, they think I speak French.
Apple isn't the only site that has this problem.
same here
same here

Basically, Apple is using the browser language settings to choose interface language, so if you want to see it in English then you have to set your browser language settings to English. Of course, that it's a ****** solution, as then you have many other sites detecting English too. In general is a bad approach for this and many other sites, where you cannot override language settings.

As Apple seems to don't care about this, the only more or less acceptable solution is installing another browser, set that browser settings to English (or the language you prefer), then use that browser for the App Store Connect site.

I use Chrome normally, with language settings in Spanish, but I have Firefox language set to English. When it's important to see the English interface, I use Firefox.

I have tried putting English at the top in chrome://settings/languages but it does not work.

What works for me is to use Chrome plugin that can modify request header such as Mod Header, and add the following header

Accept-Language: en

The funny things is that this affect only the main content section. The language of the navigation menu still be incorrect, but at least it's ok for me.

I cannot believe that Apple doesn't implement such a simple setting in user profile...

I can confirm that on Google Chrome, the first preferred language will be the UI language shown.

I follow the step of this youtube and it works 100%. Actually, there is a trick.

Go to chrome://settings/languages and in Preferred languages set the first option to English, and you're done.

You must adjust the Localization in Project > Info > Localization

change my primary language of App store connect