iCloud Drive Desktop not syncing

Just installed 19A487l and I don't see my iCloud Desktop being synced. I tried various things like logging out and back into iCloud, toggling the Desktop sync option off and then back on, rebooting, etc. unfortunately with no change.

Someone in another post suggested that adding certain system daemons to the Full Disk Access list in System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Privacy syspref would fix it, but when I click on the '+' button to try, System Preferences hangs. The best I could debug was correlate some messages in Console by timestamp to when I clicked on '+':

error16:20:02.458461-0800diagnostics_agentInvalid receipt [0 bytes] -- [<private>]
fault16:20:02.479769-0800cfprefsdAllowing process impersonation by process com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSav (909) despite not having the com.apple.private.defaults-impersonate entitlement due to it not being sandboxed. Please add com.apple.private.defaults-impersonate instead, this will stop working in the future.
fault16:20:02.479798-0800cfprefsdAllowing process impersonation by process com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSav (909) despite not having the com.apple.private.defaults-impersonate entitlement due to it not being sandboxed. Please add com.apple.private.defaults-impersonate instead, this will stop working in the future.
error16:20:02.576666-0800runningboarddCould not rationalize xpc service at: /System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/QuickLookUIService.xpc
error16:20:02.579777-0800diagnostics_agentInvalid receipt [0 bytes] -- [<private>]
error16:20:02.802223-0800dmdClient <private> does not have required com.apple.private.dmd.policy entitlement
error16:20:02.802402-0800com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelServiceCould not add registration: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4097 "connection to service on pid 0 named com.apple.dmd.policy" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=connection to service on pid 0 named com.apple.dmd.policy}

Also, when this happens, the following two processes are hung:

com.apple.appkit.xpc.openAndSavePanelService (com.apple.preference.security.remoteservice (System Preferences)) (Not Responding)9.1 MB3216909***0.00.39(null)0.00.00No0 bytes0 bytes0 bytesNoNo(null)(null)No0 bytes0 bytes00-0 bytes0 bytes0 bytes0 bytesNoYes
com.apple.preference.security.remoteservice (System Preferences) (Not Responding)35.4 MB5511902***0.02.54(null)0.00.00No0 bytes0 bytes0 bytesNoNo(null)(null)No0 bytes0 bytes00-0 bytes0 bytes0 bytes0 bytesNoYes

Thanks so much in advance for any suggestions or if you need more information let me know!


Seems to have resolved itself after a few reboots and toggling of the options, I now have access to my iCloud Desktop files locally and can also add programs to the Full Disk Access list in System Preferences.

Same problem here. I have tried turning off icloud drive and turning it back on / then reboot.

Desktop is still missing.

I can access Full Disk Access but cant click on the Plus Sign. Nothing happens.

Any workaround you can suggest? This issue is making my system nearly unusable.

**** Worked for me *******

Re-downloaded Catalina


When to System Pref -> Apple ID -> iCloud -> iCloud Drive ---- uncheck/check iCloud Drive.

Everything started showing up.

It also REALLY helped with the stability of the system.

Hope this helps

Given these steps a try and I'm still experiencing the issue. Anyone else have any ideas on how to solve this?

iamjustfresh when you uncheck iCloud Drive it gives you choice of "Keep a Copy" or "Remove from Mac". Which did you choose?

I choose remove and then immediatly hit stop and turn off.

iCloud Drive Desktop not syncing