Xcode 11 beta & iOS 13 problem with auto-layout and UIPickerView

My app is look ok on iOS 12, on a iPhone X and iphone 6S.

I move to iOS 13 beta on iphone 6S and an macbook air on Catalina with Xcode 11

and the same auto-layout code do not seems to work anymore

Also a UIPickerView with 2 components, does not show up at all.

and many other problem.

is it my app that is the problem or others have the same issue ?


Hi Franco,

Same for me , it appears only with this Xcode version , lots of layout issue

Thank you, i was scare for a moment.

Yes, I lost almost all layout on Xcode 11, it is better to redo all of it with the new UI then it will perform as expected under iOS13 or below.

Ok thank you.

I will wait before doing that.

The computer I have on Catalina is not the one i use to code but jsut to test.

.. but i guess, i will have to redo those constraints .

Oh i will try to do it on a copy and try to see what changed.

I have tried it directly on the simulator, and it look good, it is on the device (on ios 13), that I have the problemwith auto-layout.