Not sure what could cause this. the UI align differently running on iPhone versus running on Mac. If I remove the HStack, it works but I still would like to know why, and if there is a way to make it right on both platforms.
Thank you
here is my code
@State private var viewModel = FirmwareSelectionViewModel()
var body: some View {
Form {
Section("Setup Name") {
TextField ( "", text: $viewModel.setupName )
.foregroundColor(.green )
.onSubmit {
print ("On Submit")
Section("Battery") {
HStack() {
TextField("", value: $viewModel.Vnominal, format: .number)
.foregroundColor(.green )
#if !os(macOS)
.onChange(of: viewModel.Vnominal) {
print("Updated Vnominal: \(viewModel.Vnominal)")
TextField("", value: $viewModel.batteryCapacity, format: .number)
.foregroundColor(.green )
#if !os(macOS)
.onChange(of: viewModel.batteryCapacity) {
print("Updated Battery Capacity: \(viewModel.batteryCapacity)")
Section("Firmware Type") {
Picker(selection: $viewModel.selectedType, label: EmptyView()) {
ForEach(TypeOfFirmware.allCases) { type in
Text(type.rawValue).tag(type as TypeOfFirmware)
.foregroundColor(.green )
Picker(selection: $viewModel.selectedFirmware, label: EmptyView()) {
ForEach(viewModel.availableFirmware) { firmware in
Text(firmware.rawValue.capitalized).tag(firmware as Firmware)
.onChange(of: viewModel.selectedType) {
.navigationTitle("Firmware Selection")
I have some difficulties to recreate the same SF Symbols I have configure in the app into my code. Is there a way to copy not just the name but everything including all modifier.
Thank you
I would like to share my new project on an open source repository like GitHub. it need capabilities like iCloud. The problem is that I would prefer not have my appleid email being send to the open source repository. I saw that I can exclude files but I would be easier if the open source version had no Apple account associated with it.
how should I manage the open source version vs the App Store one.
Thank you
I am considering converting my app to SwiftUI
My app receive data via bluetooth every second in my BluetoothManager. This data is then send via protocol - delegate to another object that do math and other modification to those data. From there different data are send via protocol or notification to others object to be save to file, other to be send to CoreData , and some to be displayed
So lot's of data move but rarely to be displayed.
Because most of this transfert is between object and rarely view, I wonder which one is better EnvironmentObject or via Protocol and/or notification
I did look briefly at combine, and I am not sure if I would be able to use that in that case.
I am trying to rewrite my app in SwiftUI. I used to need to add
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription in the info.plist
I dont remember how to do it. I dont see a Plus sign, and Right click does not off to add something ?
when I read the disclosureGroup documentation , I see
struct DisclosureGroup<Label, Content> where Label : View, Content : View
in the first part it says label, I dont understand why.
I can put a string and it work,
if I put a label I get an error saying it requires that 'Label<Text, Image>' conform to 'StringProtocol'
it get worse (for me :-)
the second part say "where Label : View, Content : View"
for me it says that label conform to view... ?
I tried to put a view, it did not work either , with the same error
if I use the "Jump to definition" of disclosure, I can see this
public init(@ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content, @ViewBuilder label: () -> Label)
then I am totally lost :-)
in label I can see
struct Label<Title, Icon> where Title : View, Icon : View
:-) Title ... a view ?
is there a documentation to help me read documentation :-)
When Xcode autocomplete, a popup appear with different choice. At the beginning of the line there is a colored letter. I think M is for Method but some I just can't figured out.
where could I learn about those letter and the color coding they have.
thank you
4 month ago, I bought a 2010 Mac Pro, a monitor. it is limited to last year operating system Mojave. Now I can't upgrade Xcode to 11.5 because Catalina 10.5.2 is required. :-(
Will Xcode 11.5 be ported to last years operating system ?
i though smart invert on iOS would ignore UIImageView but I just tested it and it does not workis there a setting i need to set so that UIImageView be ignore in smart invert mode ?