Mac OS X beta 2 install, stuck on estimating time

Hi All,

Any else experiencing difficulties with the install? Upgrading from beta one and been stuck for hours. Did it all take long for someone? Any tips for a workround if needed? I have a backup, but I'd rather sort it somehow. Thank you loads for tips!

It took about a half hour at this step for me, and then decided there were 25 minutes left but was eventually successful.

Same issue here, but it’s just reverted to showing 24 minutes left. I read somewhere before that this was to do with the size of the photos library but could be wrong.

Mine is still going at it. I do have a big pic liblary on it if that is the issue, it can take a while, more than 4 hours now.. Let me know if you get lucky and it finishes.

Did it ever finish for you?

Mac OS X beta 2 install, stuck on estimating time