Enlarging App Icons?

Just installed iPad OS on my iPad Pro. I’m trying to figure out how to enlarge all of the app icons so they fill the screen as they did before. Either I’m missing something obvious or there is no way to do so. Each page of icons only fills half the screen.


Same here. I don’t really like the smaller icons. I can’t find a way to change the size either.

That’s the way iPadOS was designed, go back and re-watch the Keynote. It’s all explained there.

They need to rethink this. For some of us with old eyes, the smaller icons are more densely packed on the screen and makes it hard to pick them out. Right now it isn't that big a problem because what filled an entire screen before, now fills only half the screen. They icons are still too small but they aren't as densely packed as with a full screen. Screen real estate is wasted this way, and there is no way to move icons from screen to screen without using a computer. This all seems self defeating. The icons should be resizeable, at least undervAccesdibility options.