Unable to create preboot volume for APFS during macOS 10.15 beta installation

I am trying to install macOS 10.15 beta and get the following error: Could not create preboot volume for APFS install. How do I solve this? Thanks in advance for your help.

Same issue. No answer either.

Go to your drive and ensure that its partition is APFS. If you don't see that option, select "view all drives" from disk utility and you should see to "sections" for your hard drive. Select the first and ensure its formatted APFS

Thanks for your suggestion. The partition is APFS. I did a Google search for the error "Could not create a Preboot Volume for APFS install" and found this solution https://www.fonepaw.com/upgrade/could-not-create-a-preboot-volume-for-apfs-install.html However, I would like to avoid this drastical appraoch as it involes a deletion of my volume. Any suggestions for an alternative?

On Catalina beta 2, I just ran the installer again and it worked.

Thanks for the feedback! Great - however, I tried the same - still does not work. I get the same error massage again.

Same issue here. all AFPS formatted.

I was getting this, and the only real suggestion that I saw anywhere else was to completely wipe my primary drive and start over again from scratch...no way was I doing that. I tried....maybe 5x before I got irritated and started doing random stuff, before it decided that it wanted to install.

I did unmount any external drives I had hooked up, and I did note that i had a runaway Time Machine backup running that didn't stop after I unplugged my backup volume, I wound up having to kill backupd manually.

After ALL of that, when I'd just about given up hope, I tried again...and voila, away it went.

I think you hit on something as I was having the same install problem. Then I unmounted external drives (as you suggested) and the beta 2 install went without a hitch. Thanks

Thanks for sharing your experiance and the suggestion. I tried the same, but get still the error massagr.

The running TimevMachine Backup was causing it for me.

I had this same issue, did a disk repair on both partitions, then the install ran to completion.

However, the drive is very unstable overall. I have a 2016 Maxed out MacBookPro with 2TB SSD (with touchbar). I have nothing but performance and drive issues.

As just.do.it said, we have to stop Time Machine Backuping while Beta Installation. In my case, just stopped current backuping, and turned off Automatically backup, then I succeeded to continue.

Same. Has anyone solved this issue?

+1 for "Stop Time Machine backups, unmount external drives, and try install immediately after boot." WOMM.

Got the same problem, it stops with the same message with beta3, I got a MBA with a OWC SSD inside. TimeMachine Backup is off

After trying all the suggestions in this thread (and all the similiar threads for this problem I was able to google), and before giving up and doing clean installation of newer version, I made a deep dive in the essense of the issue - "coiuld not create Preboot volume..." and FOUND THE SOLUTION THAT PERFECTLY WORKED FOR ME

I found that Preboot volume exists already on my drive (although is umnounted), so most probably running upgrade is just updating it.

I tried to update Preboot manually via

diskutil apfs updatePreboot /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/


diskutil apfs updatePreboot /

And this was unsuccesful due to (luckily this command is pretty well verbosed) absence of one of the AFPS crypto users in Mac users list ("An APFS crypto user was not found in the Open Directory user database"). This led to entire Preboot update was unsuccesful. I carefully checked whether this missing APFS does not exist anywhere in Directory Utility ('Users' in /Local/Default) by comparing GeneratedIUD code.

So, this UUID missed everywhere, although diskutil apfs listcryptousers disk1s1 output was listing such crypto user. Most probably either myself or some program was manipulating users list, and has removed some of them in a non-consistent way, so it has gone from the users list, but was kept as cryptographic user on the filesystem level. And this inconsistency prevented Preboot from being upgraded.

So I removed the cryptouser manually by:

sudo fdesetup remove -uuid {UUID}

Doublechecked via manual Preboot update to see it works well now

diskutil apfs updatePreboot /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/

And proceeded with upgrade, which was without glitches now!

Happy that I found a solution, but regretfully I wasted as much time, as I would spend on clean straightforward installation and all the backuping/restoring/programs intallations/etc.

Hopefully I can save this time for one of you guys!


I had this problem too. Had me scratching my head for a while, but eventually was easily solved.

In my case, for whatever reasons, the system had created 100 preboot mounting points below /Volumes (please excuse formatting):

alfredo@Alfredobot-274 /Volumes> ls
InstallESD Preboot 18 Preboot 29 Preboot 4 Preboot 50 Preboot 61 Preboot 72 Preboot 83 Preboot 94
Macintosh HD Preboot 19 Preboot 3 Preboot 40 Preboot 51 Preboot 62 Preboot 73 Preboot 84 Preboot 95
Preboot Preboot 2 Preboot 30 Preboot 41 Preboot 52 Preboot 63 Preboot 74 Preboot 85 Preboot 96
Preboot 1 Preboot 20 Preboot 31 Preboot 42 Preboot 53 Preboot 64 Preboot 75 Preboot 86 Preboot 97
Preboot 10 Preboot 21 Preboot 32 Preboot 43 Preboot 54 Preboot 65 Preboot 76 Preboot 87 Preboot 98
Preboot 11 Preboot 22 Preboot 33 Preboot 44 Preboot 55 Preboot 66 Preboot 77 Preboot 88 Preboot 99
Preboot 12 Preboot 23 Preboot 34 Preboot 45 Preboot 56 Preboot 67 Preboot 78 Preboot 89
Preboot 13 Preboot 24 Preboot 35 Preboot 46 Preboot 57 Preboot 68 Preboot 79 Preboot 9
Preboot 14 Preboot 25 Preboot 36 Preboot 47 Preboot 58 Preboot 69 Preboot 8 Preboot 90
Preboot 15 Preboot 26 Preboot 37 Preboot 48 Preboot 59 Preboot 7 Preboot 80 Preboot 91
Preboot 16 Preboot 27 Preboot 38 Preboot 49 Preboot 6 Preboot 70 Preboot 81 Preboot 92
Preboot 17 Preboot 28 Preboot 39 Preboot 5 Preboot 60 Preboot 71 Preboot 82 Preboot 93

The fix was as simple as to rm -r those /Volumes/Preboot*. I did leave /Volumes/Preboot and /Volumes/Preboot 99 just in case. After Catalina was installed, they were gone.

That's all. Hope it helps someone.

Disabling auto-backups by Timemachine worked for me.

So this is crazy but I had 2 USB devices plugged in (headphones and a selfie-lamp). Unplugging these devices got me up and running again. All I can think is one of the USB devices had a mini storage device inside it and my Mac was trying to install OSX on it.

For others that might encounter, probably something like this to create a missing preboot: 

Enter recovery and open terminal.

diskutil list (to get disk for virtual apfs container to use below)

diskutil  apfs addVolume disk2 apfs Preboot -role B

diskutil info disk2s1 | grep "Volume UUID"

mkdir /Volumes/Preboot/A579A99E-9795-4086-890E-04E2112D1E78 (UUID from previous command)

diskutil apfs updatepreboot /Volumes/Macintosh HD

Reboot back in to recovery so FileVault syncs up with volume. Reinstall operating system over existing. This is nondestructive.

There might be a shortcut to reinstalling the OS, but this is as deep as I went.

I encountered the same issue upgrading from 10.15.2 to 12.5. "diskutil list" showed my volumes were already APFS.

Solution for me was to do:

diskutil apfs updatePreboot /Volumes/Macintosh\ HD/

and then reboot (not sure if that was necessary) and then Preferences -> Software Update -> install Monterey.

Thanks to the contributors to this thread which helped point me in the right direction!

Unable to create preboot volume for APFS during macOS 10.15 beta installation