physical location of iCloud/Documents folder changed in Catalina Beta 1

After installing Catalina Beta 1, the location of /Users/***/Documents no longer points to iCloud/Documents. iClous/Documents folder itself is not at the same location as on Mojave. The /Users/***/Documents folder is now empty, but Get Info will report large number of files.

Has anyone else seen this. This is happening on both my 2015 13" MBPr and my iMac late 2013 27".

Its a known issue in the release notes I think. Here is the proposed workaround.

Workaround: Enable Desktop and Documents in System Preferences under iCloud > iCloud Drive > Options, then restart your Mac.

Here is a link to the release notes.

I have the same problem. I have formatted my computer and reinstalled Mohave and now my documents folder is empty. When I logged in iCloud my documents is still there. Also there are lots of un organized random files from my documents in root of the documents folder. I am not able to delete files from iCloud. It is seems to delete first but giving error later saying there is some error. iCloud is total **** and not reliable.

Hello, i have tried that twice now and didn't work, i susspect its an issue with the beta in general since it does not recognise the Icloud Connections in terminal either and when i was running system checks it pointed out that no root conections where available with iCloud and the mac.

Deactivate iCloud Drive (in System Preferences); restart, and then reactivate.

There are multiple issues with iCloud sync in beta 1 so even if you get it working, it may not stick.

Backups are your friend 🙂

iCloud in beta 1 is all over the place. Sybcing is slow/unreliable; some of the file entries get disconnected from the file themselves. And so on

Here is the location of iDrive in MacOS 10.15 Beta (Catlina)

~/Library/CloudStorage/iCloud\ Drive
physical location of iCloud/Documents folder changed in Catalina Beta 1