Desktop no longer showing?

Hi All - After updating to 10.15 Beta (19A471t) my desktop items are gone. Also when I try to drag my HD it states "The folder “Macintosh HD” can’t be moved into one of its subfolders."

Has anybody experienced this and knows how to fix? My Desktop folder is empty but my iCloud storage is still intact.

Thanks much!


Dave Kupratis

I already replied to a similar thread, that I resolved this by toggling iCloud Drive off, then back on. You only mentioned the desktop, but I suspect your Documents folder was affected as well. HTH.

Thank you - Do I need to sign out of iCloud through System Preferences or go through the iCloud preferences and click anything? Either one before doing so states "If you turn off iCloud Drive, all documents stored in iCloud will be removed from this Mac".

Thanks so much

I think this was listed as a known issue in the release notes.

Here is the suggested workaround.

Workaround: Enable Desktop and Documents in System Preferences under iCloud > iCloud Drive > Options, then restart your Mac

Here is a link to the release Notes when you have time for some good reading.

Recovery and Safe Mode allowed it back!! Thank you 🙂!!!

Desktop no longer showing?