launchpad cann't find some app

after update to 10.15 beta, i install a app by drag to /Applications

but i can't find it in launchpad

and then i run this command

defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock

and now apps except system default apps are all disappear in launchpad

Answered by Beckchristopher in 371614022

This issue is resolved for me in beta 4 and I can now see my apps in Launchpad.

I am experiencing same issue

I am experiencing this as well. While not a huge problem, it is an inconvenience. Would love to know of a workaround to get the apps added.

I am experiencing the same problem.

Only system apps appear in LaunchPad.

After applying an Update using App Store, I have had an app appear more than once.

Experiencing the exact same.

Me too.

curious if anyone found a solution

Experiencing same issue. Issue is not resolved for me with beta 2.

I actually lost mine upgrading to beta 2. I tried some of the online fixes for this that worked on previous versions to no success.

Adding myself to the list


how can I do this? help me please.

Just select the apps that you want to appear in launchpad and drag and drop in the launchpad icon in the dock. It appears now.

If you add new apps you must repeat for the new apps.

Hope it can helps you.

updated to beta 3 and apps still not appearing in launchpad.

No updates on the feedback i submitted. Not sure if they are even looking at this one.

It appears that the only applications showing on Lauchpad are those in the following folder:


Everything else is in /Applications

If I update an application using the App Store, the app appears in LaunchPad.

If I drag an app from /Applications to /System/Applications, the app then shows in LaunchPad.

I don't know if this is the intended usage.

Accepted Answer

This issue is resolved for me in beta 4 and I can now see my apps in Launchpad.

launchpad cann't find some app