ITMS-90111: Invalid Toolchain


I updated to 10.15beta and started getting this error:

ITMS-90111: Invalid Toolchain - Your app was built with a beta version of Xcode or SDK. Apps submitted to the App Store must be built with the GM version of Xcode 9 and the SDK for iOS 11, tvOS 11, watchOS 4, or macOS 10.13 or later.

My Xcode is still GM (10.2.1) so not sure what this error is trying to tell me, since I've been always keeping Xcode to stable version and MacOS on latest beta.

Has anyone expriencing the same problem or have a solution to my issue ?


Yeah, I'm facing the same problem. I sent 4 different builds to iTunes Connect and each one was rejected.

I am receiving the same error. Been getting it for 3 days now.

Still the same error. It’s been days.

Still getting this error; any updates?

I am having the same issue. Tried a few quick fixes on the internet, but with no successI was already 5 attempts in before I found this post. Just to be clear. This happens occasionally after a major update and it's just a waiting game for us if we are on the beta software? Thanks!

I am having the same issue currently. Already build multiple times are got multiple rejection.

Still happens to me too and the post didn't seem to help.

Any updates yet? Still aren't able to upload. I reinstalled XCode, updated multiple drivers and changed minimum deployment iOS without success...

There is a workaround (thanks stackoverflow):

Right after archiving your app, before uploading to the appstore :

  • Go to Organizer
  • Right-Click on your app archive -> show in Finder
  • Right-Click on the .xcarchive -> Show package content
  • Go to Products/Applications/"AppName".app/
  • Open the info.plist
  • Find the BuildMachineOSBuild and change it to the latest public MacOS release (18F132 for macOS 10.14.5)

Go and upvote this kind sir :

Source :

A better workaround is to never try and use unsupported beta tools for production builds. Ever. I’ve been in the software business a long time and believe me, having an unstable/unsupported build process always comes back to bite you eventually.

If you need to tinker with beta stuff and have just one Mac, install it on a separate drive. Always keep it isolated from your production setup.

Hey I found a working fix here

ITMS-90111: Invalid Toolchain