I'm trying to get a pkg file notarized.
The notarization process worked fine for me until some day ago.
Now, when I run the altool command, I get this error : *** Error: To use this application, you must first sign in to iTunes Connect and sign the relevant contracts. (1048)
I have checked https://developer.apple.com/account/ and https://appstoreconnect.apple.com/agreements/ too see if you have any pending agreement, but there is nothing there.
The command I use is 'xcrun altool --notarize-app --primary-bundle-id $MYBUNDLEID --username $MYUSERID --asc-provider $MYTEAMID --password $MYAPPPASSWORD --file $MYPKGFILE'
The last time the altool command worked for me was on the 29 May.
Any idea what is going wrong here?