VMWare Fusion 11 Not Working

Looks like VMWare Fusion 11.1.0 is not working correctly on beta 1.

The VM is running and I can see the screen in the VMWare Library thumbnail but the actual VM screen is black. The VM is reacting to mouse and keyboard and the interactions can be seen on the thumbnail.

Tried in windowed, fullscreen and with 3d accelerated graphccs both enabled and disabled. I have also performed a full reinstall of VMWare Fusion.

Answered by paulr1 in 362641022

VMware Fusion 11.1 is working for me. I have to approve the kernal extention and added Screen Recording in the Priacy tab in Security & Privacy.

I have same issue but it was telling me the file was damaged so i just went and got the newest version and installed it to fix it. I have an error saying "Could not open /dev/vmmon: Broken pipe. Please make sure that the kernel module `vmmon' is loaded."

Accepted Answer

VMware Fusion 11.1 is working for me. I have to approve the kernal extention and added Screen Recording in the Priacy tab in Security & Privacy.

Same here...added VMware kernal extension and screen recording and all is well.

Thanks for the suggestions, unfortunately still doesn't work.

I Checked VMWare Kernel extensions (using 'kextstat | grep vmware') and all 4 are there. I don't have a Screen Recording entry in Privacy tab but I do have a Camera and Microphone and they are set to allow VMware Fusion.

Using verbose option i see the following panic: "Unable to find driver for this platform: \"ACPI\".n"@/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6041.". There are then a lot of addresses and an interesting message "can't perform kext scan: no kext summary".

You should have been prompted to allow screen recording the first time you tried to start a VM. Without it the virtual console simply appears black, but if you look at the small preview of the virtual console in the list of VM's, you'll see that the VM came up and is running. You have to quit and restart after allowing screeen recording for the virtual console to work.

Thanks. Must be missing something, my VM Console works fine, can run Mojave as a guest with no problems. Just can't run 10.15.

I think you will find that your problem is not the same as the thread topic.

You and I both suffer from the same problem running VMware Fusion 11.1 on Mojave and trying to upgrade a Mojave running VM with the Catalina Beta which gets hung at the Apple Logo

Correct me if I am wrong but this thread is about running the application VMware Fusion 11.1 on an already installed Catalina Beta on either a phsyical laptop or desktop. which is why you need to check the privacy tab options and kernal extensions

Screen Recording was the answer for me here, I didn't have any issues with missing kexts.


I'm not sure if my problem is right placed here.

I'm running my host Mac with 10.14.5 (18F203).

In vmware Professional Version 11.1.0 (13668589) i have a virtual machine with macOS 10.14.5 (18F203).

I tried to Update it to macOS 10.15 Beta (Build 19A471t) But after the restart while updating I get only a black screen with a white Apple logo in the center of the screen.

Did anyone get it running? Is there a trick, or is ist simply a bug?

Thanks Pacman, you were right.

I have the same issue when I'm logged in as my standard (non-admin) user, but it works fine when I'm logged in as an admin. Not ideal from a security standpoint since you should rarely be logged in as an admin, but it seems to be the workaround for now.

In my case it was not listed in "Security & Privacy -> Screen Recording". After much searching and testing what worked for me is:

  1. Boot a VM with an OS that has VMware Tools installed (after the VM fully boots the ability to switch to Unity mode should be available)
  2. Switch to Unity mode
    • Keyboard command to enter Unity : Shift-CMD-U
    • Menu : View -> Unity
  3. Upon switching to UNITY mode VMware Fusion will finally give you the dialogue box asking permission for Screen Recording
  4. Click Open Preferences
  5. Authenticate to make changes
  6. Add the check mark to VMware Fusion to grant Screen Recording permission
  7. Exit Unity mode


Additional notes:

VMware may continues to go to Unity mode before you can select Open Preferences and give you white screens. The presentation is white because it has not been granted permission yet.

From the VMware controls, shut down the VM gracefully. The Open Preferences should still be an open dialogue. Click Open Preferences and it will finally be visible in the list.

For the adventurous, try resetting all of the TCC approvals for VMware Fusion and try again.

To reset the TCC, open a terminal and run the command:

tccutil reset All com.vmware.fusion
successfully reset All approval status for com.vmware.fusion

This clears the Security and Privacy settings.

Hope this helps.

I cannot see Vmware on "Security&privacy > privacy > Screen Recording" after following all step above contents.

It drove me crazy. is there any way grant screen recording permission to app via CLI?

Please Help

I think I accidently skipped the prompt to allow permission for Screen Recording. Now VMware isnt in the list under Settings/Privacy/Screen Recording. How do I get VMware in there? Or get it to prompt me again to allow permission? Thanks.

Thank you - but doesn't work for me. Nothing appears (nor prompts me) for Screen Recording. I am running Catalina Beta. Any more ideas?

On VMware Fusion's support forum, you can find this solution: https://communities.vmware.com/message/2879755#2879755

- in step 6, the first command did the trick (the one which contain 'kTCCServiceScreenCapture').

Another solution is to install the privious v1.1.0-13668589, and then upgrade again to the newest v11.1.1-14328561 - steps are also documented on the VMware forum: https://communities.vmware.com/message/2884824#2884824

VMWare Fusion 11 Not Working