Updating an iPhone through 10.15??

I updated my MBP before my iPhone and now I can't install the restore file because I don't have iTunes anymore and all my searches haven't helped me find a solution. I hooked the phone to my MBP and I can see it in Finder but how do I restore it from there to update it?

I havent had a chance to upgrade my computer yet, but I noticed Apple Configurator has a 2.10 beta available for 10.15, Have you tried using that?

Same here. Then tried thru my windows computer. I do the restore, it finds the ipsw, click open and nothing happens. iPhone and iPad

Did you search Finder since they moved the back up feature from iTunes?

The ipsw's are in Finder, but that's not helping doing a restore

Having the same problem. Does anyone know how to update to it using xcode?

Devices now show up in finder on Catalina. Connect your device, launch finder, and your device should appear. You can then update/restore to the .ipsw file from there, the same way as you could from iTunes.

You need to hold the option key click on update and select the ipsw

Finder takes over. Find the device there and it will have the options.

I'm still not getting my iDevices showing up in Finder but they are showing up in the Music app.
I've installed the mobiledevice.pkg thats required without having to install xcode entirely but I may need to bite the bullet and grab that 8gb app lmao

UPDATE: Weird the devices are showing up on my iMac but not my MacBook Pro (the device they were originally paired to). Such is the life of beta season i guess.

I have it plugged in to my computer, but do not see any devices listed in finder.

It shows in Finder but clicking on it gives basic info about it while the bottom says Loading and then nothing happens.

It should show up under "Locations"

It does not show up under locations. It shows up in the music app and on xcode. I have tried multiple cables as well, any suggestions?

i'm having the exact same issue.

I've got the same problem as you. My MacBook Pro is running Catlina with no iTunes. I can't figure out how to install the .ipsw on my iPhone X without iTunes. All the instructions I can find say to use iTunes and there is no alternative. I've tried X-Code, but don't see any way to force an .ipws.


Installing the .ipsw from the finder. Seems to be running OK. I'll let you know how it goes...

No iPhone X shows up on my finder device list. I'm stumped...

Restarted and my iPhone X is now showing in my devices. I was able to call up the .ipsw and it looks like the install is underway. It's running very slowly. I'll check back in if it installs.

Just restarting. Seems like the .ipsw installed OK. Time will tell.

I find having Music open conflicts with Finder. Closing Music allowed my iPad to show up immediately. Give that a shot. Also, none of the options in Finder were clickable (clicking a button did nothing). Again having Music closed fixed this.

Was able to update to iOS 13 without problem having Music closed.

I don't show any devices in finder, but it does in music app??

I updated an iPod Touch, iPad Pro and iPhone with no issues using Finder; just opened a new Finder window and selected the device after it was plugged in; it showed a very similar UI to what was in iTunes and showed up even when the Music add was open. Ironically, the settings in iOS still reference iTunes; for example, iTunes Wi-Fi Sync and doesn't seem to work with the Finder sync version.

Hi! I have this same issue... downloaded Catalina (along with Xcode 11) and then I got the IPSW files but once I get into Finder and, either with "Update" and "Restore" I get the finder to select the file and then it does nothing...

Any ideas???

I noticed that too... having Music open messes Finder but i still can't install the file on my iPhone. Such a shame

hello I update my iphone xs max whit catalina opening the finder see my iphone and pressing option key and update browse the ipsw file and the autoctly detec the ios 13.

Tip: Make sure that Configurator or X-Code are not running. From the 10 minutes I just wasted trying to work this out; if any app has access to a connected device, it will not show in Finder.

For completeness, the same happens without Catalina. I've updated my Apple TV 4 (via USB) and old iPhone SE, on a Mojave 12.4 beta, but no xcode 11 nor the new configurator. Having Xcode or Configurator open was enough to confuse iTunes and not let them see the devices.

My suggestion, with Catalina or Mojave, for now, is to close everything related to the devices, and run only one app - either Finder on Catalina or iTunes on Mojave. No Xcode, no Music app, no Configurator.

Still, I "think" running Console is ok. After my Apple TV restarted, it also stayed a long time with the progress bar stuck, and console show me that it was also processing images, like the iOS changelog mentions. I caved in and restarted the Apple TV anyway, which made it boot up properly, but now it probably corrupted the photos library and will need to reprocess the whole thing, as I had only a dozen photos, not the 40K I was expecting.

Click on iPhone, there are 2 options: Update and restore.

i have the same problem but i need to connect apple tv to update it to tvOS 13but my pc don't se my apple tv (mac os catalina)

in finder i see my apple tv but when i click on it and don't butoms apeared

plz help

Updating an iPhone through 10.15??