Problems installing macOS 10.15 Beta

I got into the process where it reboots then gives me a bar with the words "Estimating time remaining..." It has been there doing seemingly nothing for over 30 min.

Is there a way to revert back from here other than a full restore from Time Machine? Or a way to get it going forward again?


40 hours?!!! What a crazy for that? I've wait over 14 hours and give up....

A day later, and my progress bar has not budged. 😟

I can validate that in my case leaving it for a whole night also worked.

Attention: Exactly the same is just happening to me on my MacBook Late 2016 with the official 10.15. Catalina release! It was stuck for two hours at the black installation screen, than I reseted PRAM and now it‘s stuck at the Catalina Island screen since 2 hours saying „About 16 minutes remaining“. It changes to „Less than a minute remaining“ if I short click the on/off button and changes to „About 9 Minutes remaining“ shortly after. Holy ****... this behaviour has been reported here in July and they obviously not fixed it!

Problems installing macOS 10.15 Beta