Can't Create a Sandbox Tester Account


in the help page for creating a Sandbox Tester Account

they said to :

  1. Sign in to App Store Connect.
  2. On the homepage, click Users and Access.

BUT on home page ther is no Users and Access.?!!

Thank you ManuelMB

the link show the menu and keep loading in loop nothing happen

Still can't access this page

Have the same problem. In the console, I can see 401 but I'm authorized.

Same here, how comes that it's still not fixed? Is there a workaround?

Same issue here, Can't create Sandbox Testers spits out the error in the console Network tab the response: { "errors": [{ "status": "500", "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "title": "An unexpected error occurred.", "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at" }] }

What's going on ?

Thanks in advance

saw the same issue ^^^ last week: { "errors": [{ "status": "500", "code": "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "title": "An unexpected error occurred.", "detail": "An unexpected error occurred on the server side. If this issue continues, contact us at" }] }

Today, there's a different issue -- I cannot create a test account with any valid email. Is this a know issue, and currently being worked? Where can I get the status of this? This is very important, especially w/ Apple's new data deletion requirements.

Console error:

Can't Create a Sandbox Tester Account